Family Pictures 2005



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Happy 100th Birthday  Lily

Lily Miller and my grandmother were life long friends. Lily is like an aunt to me and my sister so I was excited to hear that her daughter was throwing her a birthday party in Florida. Lucky for us there was enough time between the party and Hurricane Wilma. Although it was touch and go for a while as power was not fully back up for everyone including the birthday girl. In fact Lily who still lives in her own apartment didn't have power until the afternoon of the party. That is almost 2 weeks with out power. The party was great and Lily still looks like I remember her after not seeing her for quite a few years. She still has her quick wit and great personality. 

I wish that everyone can get to go to many 100th birthday parties.

This is also the first time I have seen my brother-in-law since he lost 100 pounds. He looks great as you will see in the pictures below.


Lily at the mike. Howard and Bernice (daughter and son-in-law), Stanley (son), the whole family (top row)

Morty (brother), Mark (grandson), great-grandson, Kuffner and Dorf family with Aunt Lily. (bottom row)